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A/V Roundup: Tons of New Music from BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, SUICIDE SILENCE, Free Math/Tech-Death Comp & More

While we are getting our barrings back from a long weekend of partying, we present you with this list of new music that has surfaced in the last few days for your enjoyment. There are new tracks from The Black Dahlia MurderSuicide Silence, Big Business, Tombs and Unexpect, a new mathcore/tech death compilation for free download from, footage of Dave Lambardo's side project ripping LA a new one and much more. Check out our huge post-Memorial Day Audio/Video roundup:

A/V Roundup: Tons of New Music from BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, SUICIDE SILENCE, Free Math/Tech-Death Comp & MoreThe Black Dahlia Murder have made a third track, "Malenchanments Of The Necrosphere," from their upcoming release, Ritual available for streaming on Alternative Press's website. I've had the album for a little over a week, and this is definitely one of the strongest tracks on the record. Overall, the record is very familiar (you instantly know you're listening to BDM) but also very experiment as the album progresses. I think longtime fans will enjoy it very much!

[youtube][/youtube] Over the weekend, in celebration of Memorial Day (or something) Suicide Silence posted the above lyric video for the track "You Only Live Once", off The Black Crown which hits stores July 12th. The track is quite heavy but also very accessible. I definitely look at Suicide Silence as one of those gateway bands, for people that find Slipknot too mellow but aren't quite ready for Suffocation yet. Don't forget, Mark and Mitch are going to be sitting in on the Livecast tomorrow night, and will be answering your questions, so make sure to tune in.

Canadian experimental metal outfit Unexpect have released their new album Fables of the Sleepless Empire by themselves on their Bandcamp page. You can stream the entire album for free, and the band is asking for $8.99 Canadian if you are interested in a high-res download of the whole shebang.

A/V Roundup: Tons of New Music from BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, SUICIDE SILENCE, Free Math/Tech-Death Comp & MoreOur friends at and American Aftermath have released another FREE tech-death/mathcore compilation titled Mecha Organa V. You can download the comp, featuring 19 free tracks from the cream of the crop of unsigned technical metal bands as well as all their previous comps on the official Mecha Organa site.

Stoner sludge masters Big Business aka Big Biz have posted a new track on Stereogum and it's just as killer as all their material. The band, now expanded to a four-piece will be touring this Summer with Torche. I am there!

The openers on that Torche/Big Biz tour, Helms Alee have also posted a new track and if you like either Torche or Big Business, I guarantee you will dig the track!

Brooklyn noise makers Tombs' new record, Path of Totality is now streaming in full on NPR's site and it is loud. I feel I need earplugs just to listen to this at my desk. I've seen these guys live a bunch of times and I am always impressed by the soothing wall of noise they create.

You can listen to a bunch of remastered Death tracks off Human on the band's official Facebook page. If you have never gotten into Death, now is the time to start.

Finally, we wrap this massive A/V Roundup with footage of Dave Lombardo's side project Philm playing in LA. Watch as Lombardo crushes the drums with ease.:[youtube][/youtube]

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This list may be extremely Swedish.