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AVATARIUM (CANDLEMASS, EVERGREY, Etc.) Brings The Upbeat Doom On "All I Want"

Sexy, sexy doom.

Sexy, sexy doom.

I'm just going to get this out of the way nice and early- Avatarium vocalist Jenine-Ann Smith has one of the best female voices in metal right now and there's no way you're telling me otherwise.

If you're not familiar with the group, behind Smith is Candlemass bassist Lief Edling, Evergrey guitarist Marcus Jidell, Tiamat drummer Lars Sköld and Jupiter Society Carl Westholm on keyboards. The band dropped their self-titled debut last year to a pretty solid reception by the press and now they're back with an EP titled All I Want due out on November 14 via Nuclear Blast.

Check out the title track below and get mystified!


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