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BLACK TABLE Vengefully Returns After Four Years With "Obtuse"

Four years has only made Black Table heavier, apparently.

Four years has only made Black Table heavier, apparently.

Black Table's 2012 EP Sentinel was a total ass kicker, though after such a great start out of the gate, the band fell silent for four years in terms of output. After a bassist change and a feature on MetalSucks' recent compilation NYC Sucks, Black Table is back with a brand new song titled "Obtuse" off its upcoming album Obelisk.

The song twists, shifts, and violently jerks from mood to mood, all while retaining a mournful air of humid, disgusting heaviness about it. To name drop a little bit, the band currently employs bassist DJ Scully and drummer Michael Kadnar of The Number Twelve Looks Like You, with the latter also being a part of Downfall of Gaia.

The record was laid down at The Dillinger Escape Plan’s Backroom Studios, was mixed by Billy Anderson of Melvins, Neurosis, and Sleep fame (among others), and was mastered by Krallice/Gorguts stringsman Colin Marston.

Obelisk is out October 14 via Silent Pendulum Records, and pre-orders are to come. Jam the track below, check out the band's 2012 EP also below, and give MetalSucks a thanks for premiering this one.


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Also partially recorded by ex-The Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Kevin Antreassian.

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