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Decibel's Clips of the Month

Decibel Clips of the Month July 2015: Lucifer, Ghost, KEN Mode & Classic Clip from Refused

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch picks from Lucifer, Ghost, KEN Mode and a classic clip from Refused

Lucifer – “Izrael”

So, I was looking forward to this because it started with an old-school horror movie vibe, but wasn’t another one of those 40-minute slogs that I’ve been sent recently. Perfect, right? And we start with this girl and this dude, and they’re driving in a hearse and also playing live, and there’s a black cat, and sometimes they wear masks, and okay, let’s hope this storyline ramps up a bit in the last half. Then there it is, the big reveal: they’re both wearing back patches for their own band. I swear to the Antichrist, that is pretty much the climax of the video, because right after that, they just drive and go home. And the patches don’t even look cool. But still, I appreciate the economy. You only wasted five minutes of my day, not my entire mid-afternoon.

Ghost – “Cirice”

Last time I tangled with a Ghost video, they showed me a bunch of topless women and the singer’s dick, so I clearly went into this expecting to be underwhelmed. Oddly, though, this video also starts out like an old-school horror movie. But it’s much better than Lucifer because we get some story right away—it’s a talent show at an elementary school, and some little girl is maybe evil. So, what happens? Little kids come out dressed like Ghost and perform a song! Oh, it’s adorable as shit, guys. And then more stuff happens, but I’d rather not spoil anything. It’s just an all-around enjoyable experience. Ghost should take some time off playing music and just tell bands how to make music videos.

KEN mode – “Blessed”

If I remember correctly, Meshuggah did a video once where everyone was in slow-motion, and it kind of bored the living shit out of me. KEN mode improve on the idea by putting themselves in a basement show so that the whole crowd is real slow when they’re rocking out, and then sometimes it’s not slo-mo and, listen, I’m not here to talk about the visual execution of a music video, but there is really nothing else to say—band plays to audience and there’s a bunch of close-ups, and they all just look like regular Canadian people. If you find anything funny in this video, please contact me and I’ll be happy to compensate you for your time.

CLASSIC CLIP: Refused – “New Noise”

You know, as much as I supposedly hate bad videos, writing about them is a lot more fun than all these okay-to-great videos. I mean, sure, maybe if today was the first time I saw some skinny dorks running around in a bunch of costumes and acting like Cold War spies, I’d be able to properly unleash. But instead, this video is still fucking awesome and all the dumb shit that’s in it is my kind of dumb shit. And most importantly, who else in hardcore or metal aside from Dennis Lyxzen can successfully pull off the fucking splits? Goddamn right, no one else.

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