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Decibel's Clips of the Month

Decibel Clips of the Month – March 2013: Videos from SATAN'S WRATH VENOMOUS MAXIMUS, WEAPON and CLUTCH

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch picks from Satan's Wrath, Venomous Maximus, Wrath and a classic clip from Clutch.

Satan’s Wrath “Slaves of the Inverted Cross”


Well, shit. You’re not really giving me a lot to work with, guys. I’m not saying that playing in a dark, smoky basement with a goat head isn’t cool. I think it’s cool as shit, but it does get a little boring to watch. I mean, by halfway through, the most interesting thing is that your drummer’s wearing sunglasses, which seems super-inappropriate. Maybe the new extreme black metal thing is not being able to see your instrument.

Venomous Maximus – “Path of Doom”


The composition of this video is like when a kid gets a new toy and just tries everything. Like maybe you want to do something in black and white and then make it super-saturated, and then put two shots on top of each other, and then make it look like there are four guys at once and have lights shooting through the screen, and dude, like, what if you do some slo-mo and then make the camera real jittery? All this video’s missing is a shot of something happening backwards and a star wipe.

Weapon – “Embers and Revelations”


We’re all adults here on the limitless internet, and most of us have widely divergent priorities and interests. With that said, in this video you get to see a girl’s butt. There’s some other really evil-looking stuff, like ritual sacrifice and drinking blood from a skull—all of that which you may be way into. But towards the end, you can clearly view a lady’s behind for like two seconds. I’m not saying you care, but I know some of you care, and you’re welcome.

CLASSIC CLIP: Clutch – “A Shogun Named Marcus”


Here’s how you make a video from the ’90s: take a song and then just put paste a bunch of random stuff together. You have some footage of a monster truck, a firework in the shape of a tank and a guy rolling up an American flag? Well, just throw it all together with the band in recliners and popping up toast and, fuck, why not just a guy mowing? All these videos nowadays putting together a vague narrative look like a bunch of junk compared to a three-second clip of a pig with huge balls.

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