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FALLS OF RAUROS Bring Magnificence and Melancholy to Patterns In Mythology

The Portland, Maine black metal quartet returns with a stunning display of melody and ferocity.

Falls of Rauros
Photo by Drew Buerhaus

Belgian writer, Raoul Vaneigem once wrote, "We can escape the commonplace only by manipulating it, controlling it, thrusting it into our dreams or surrendering it to the free play of our subjectivity." Vaneigem is one of many influences on Patterns in Mythology, the opulent, new album from Maine black metal band, Falls of Rauros. Though Vaneigem's motifs formally only arise one a couple of tracks, the sentiment reigns over their fifth full-length record.

Commonplace in the scope of black metal perches on worn-out satanic or anti-religion themes and bloviating pseudo-intellectualism. Instead, Falls of Rauros removes this commonplace and distills it to the most remarkable and radiant sonic components. Frigid tremolo picking and crystalline melodies blanket Patterns In Mythology. A duality of optimism and somber realism—spun from melancholy and hermeticism—highlights an undeniable emotive power that Falls of Rauros captures.

FALLS OF RAUROS Bring Magnificence and Melancholy to Patterns In Mythology

“Sunlight on the Coast,” “High Cliff, Coast of Maine,” and “Early Morning After a Storm at Sea” by Winslow Homer (1836-1910)

Individual moments like "Weapons of Refusal" or the stunning "Memory at Night" encapsulate these beautiful arrangements, but it's Falls of Rauros member Aaron's statement to Metal Injection that really drives home the decadence and drive behind the new record. He says, "Patterns in Mythology feels like a culmination of everything we’ve worked towards since starting this band back in late 2005. It never fully abandons the fundamental core of our sound, but we strove to take a few strides forward as well: from the spot-on engineering work provided by Colin Marston to the ever-increasing attention to compositional details and thoughtful arrangement choices, to the gorgeous and evocative artwork by hometown legend Winslow Homer. Listeners should be able to immediately identify this as a Falls of Rauros record, but perhaps the most comprehensive and nuanced representation of our musical vision to date.

Aaron continues on to say, "Patterns in Mythology was conceived during a period of dramatic change and transition in our lives, and every drop of anxiety, dread, frustration, and hope that we’ve felt these past couple years can be felt at turns on this LP. We strove to find some sort of balance between purposeful, measured songwriting and absolute emotional nakedness and honesty; we would rather move people to tears than stimulate the intellect, but if we can do both then surely we have something to be proud of. That’s our greatest wish for this record, and it’s become our modus operandi in a sense; rest assured we will continue to explore such an exacting dynamic in the years to come."

Listen to an exclusive stream of Patterns In Mythology now ahead of its Friday release through Gilead Media. Be sure to catch Falls of Rauros on tour as well. Dates are below.

FALLS OF RAUROS Bring Magnificence and Melancholy to Patterns In Mythology

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