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GNAW THEIR TOUNGUES' New Single, "Hold High the Banners of Truth Among the Swollen Dead" is Terrifying

Mories is back and continues his assault on your happiness.

Mories is back and continues his assault on your happiness.

Maurice "Mories" De Jong is a man of many metal hats. He is responsible for a number of solo projects within the realm of experimental and black metal, most notably Gnaw Their Tongues, which fuses both subgenres into one hellish fiend. You might remember from last year that GTT had its demented hands in a couple of releases. Abyss of Longing Tongues was, at the time, his newest full-length album and he did his fair share in a downright evil collaboration with Dragged Into Sunlight called N.V. 2016 will mark the return of Mories as Gnaw Their Tongues. His nightmares take the form of a new full-length called Hymns for the Broken, Swollen, and Silent.


The opening track is available to be heard as of now and as anyone who has listened to Gnaw Their Tongues before might expect, it's terrifying. "Hold High the Banners of Truth Among the Swollen Dead" runs roughly five minutes long and is highlighted by ominous, blasting synths and searing shrieks by Mories. The final moments of the song are capped by an eerie, distorted spoken word of a child in praise to God. The haunted hymn plays over an electronic haze of white noise and drum patterns, giving an unsettling conclusion. Check out the song if you dare. If your interest is piqued, I can tell you that the rest of the album is much more spine-chilling as it lurches through speakers.

Hymns for the Broken, Swollen, and Silent arrives December 9th. LPs will be available through Consouling Sounds, cassettes through Tartarus Records, CDs through Crucial Blast and digital copies through Gnaw Their Tongues' Bandcamp.

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