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GWAR Perform Out of Costume In Tribute To Fallen Guitarist


In what is quite possibly the first time this ever happened, GWAR performed out of costume at their Portland, OR show this past Thursday, November 9th. It was in tribute to their fallen guitarist, Cory Smoot (Flattus Maximus). GWAR have performed out of costume before, but it was always a stripped down show and they would refer to themselves as RAWG… never with the GWAR set in the background. This was pretty touching and credit has to handed to the band for powering through this terrible tradgedy, only missing two dates to accomodate for Smoot's funeral. The band promises to release some info about a memorial fund this week, with all proceeds going to Smoot's widow and family.

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Originally used during the 1999 GWARMageddon tours.

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Kicking off on May 23 at the Rialto Theatre in Tucson, AZ.