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Here Are Way More Teases Of The New Post-EVERY TIME I DIE Band

We need this.

Jordan ETID

There's no name (that we know of) for the new band featuring former Every Time I Die guitarists Jordan Buckley and Andy Williams, bassist Stephen Micciche, and drummer Clayton "Goose" Holyoak. There's no release date for their debut material, and we don't even know who the vocalist is… but goddammit, we're still excited.

Buckley took to Instagram over the past week to share some teases of the material being produced with Will Putney and Jay Zubricky, and it sounds insanely heavy. Well, "insanely heavy" in that it sounds like a frantic continuation of Every Time I Die, and that band ruled big time. So it stands to reason that this will also rule.

Check out some of the teases below and try not to break your own neck in the process. The temptation will be real – trust us.

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