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New KORN Song Sample of "Love And Meth" Sounds More Like Old KORN

Okay seriously, I get that Korn fans are pretty divided over the first single the band put out for their The Paradigm Shift record. "Love and Meth" will only bring you together though, because it is good. I promise.

"Never Never" seriously divided fans: some loved that it was a little more poppy than what Korn have been laying down in the past, and others absolutely despised it for that same reason.

However, the clip for "Love and Meth" streaming over on the Loudwire site is downright groovy as all get out, and then a little uplifting during the chorus-type thing… and then some serious Korn groove from way back in the day. Apparently what you're hearing on the song is the ending, and according to the little interview-type thing Loudwire did with Korn on the same page as the song, the band had to say about The Paradigm Shift:

The KoRn dudes and I stopped in Germany, Paris and London to do some press on our way to our first gig in Shanghai, China! Most of the press had a chance to listen to a private stream of the new KoRn album and the feedback has been incredible! Everyone is saying it’s the best album since ‘Issues’ or ‘Untouchables,’ which is a huge compliment.

I hope they're right, because if the rest of the record is like "Love and Meth," I will be really happy.

P.S. The song has groove, Silveria. Just sayin', since you got all accusatory that the band lost their groove.

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