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Live Footage Of A New CHIMAIRA Song Surfaces

Chimaira have booted up a crowd funding site for their upcoming record, Crown of Phantoms, recently. Now you get to hear what your money is going toward!


Kind of- the quality is a little iffy here, but it's certainly enough to give you an idea of just how many asses this song will kick. Keep in mind that that's Daath mastermind Emil Werstler on guitar, a man who has been known to collapse planets with his speed and fretboard knowledge. Not that you wouldn't have picked up on that when you can see the space-time continuum bend as he solos, but I figured I'd let you know beforehand. Chimaira sound angry as they've always been here, and it makes me pretty stoked about the new stuff. All they really have to do is just keep up the consistency of solid music they've been putting out their whole career and bam! Sick album, at your service.

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"The golden seal of the track is our friend Jeff Loomis ripping one of my favorite solos I've heard in more than a decade."