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MASTODON & FEIST To Cover Each Other For Split 7"


Before you think to yourself if you've heard of this new death metal band called Feist, stop yourself! Feist is not brootal. She is a singer, most famous for that song in iPod commercials a few years ago. A few weeks ago when she was in the UK performing on Later with Jools Holland, she ran into Mastodon and turns out they had a mutual admiration for each other, so much so they decided to work on a split 7" where they cover each other's material, to be released on next year's Record Store Day in April. If you're at work or just can't listen to Troy above talking up the callabo, here's a transcription:  

“In support of Record [Store] Day, which we always try to be a part of and falls every April, we try to do some sort of release to support independent record stores. So the idea is for Mastodon to cover a Feist song and throw some hair and dirt on it, and they’re going to take a Mastodon song and pretty it up a little bit… We only have a short window to make that happen, which is the month of December, but we’re going to do everything we can to work with Feist and have a split 7″ in support of record stores.”

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