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MISERY SIGNALS To Feature Orchestral Percussion On New Album

As you probably know at this point, Misery Signals are kickstarting a new record and have done pretty well for themselves. Now they're talking about what's being done with all the money! Spoiler- it's sick.


Okay, so let's get ourselves together here for a second… there's a new Misery Signals record coming out and now that thy have enough money, they're putting some orchestral percussion on it and getting some sweet ass vocalists on there because fuck it, why not? Well color me the entire spectrum of excited! They had me at the whole "orchestral" thing, because anything involving both orchestra stuff and metal is usually sweet, but Misery Signals' melodic leanings and overall crazy times should be an interesting listen with some orchestral percussion stuff mixed in there. I wonder what the hell else they'll come up with for this record?

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