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Song Premiere

Tech-Death Tuesday: OBLIVION Denounce The Ills Of Modern Times on "Concrete Thrones" With Help From Eddie Hermida of SUICIDE SILENCE

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus on Oblivion, here's the usual weekly reminder that if you're looking for even more sick bands, all prior editions of this series can be perused here.

When Oblivion dropped their debut album Called To Rise in 2013, I was instantly hooked and it became one of my favorite death metal albums of that year. For being an independent band at the time, the release got a lot of traction, and rightly so. Now they're back with a follow-up called The Path Towards that's coming out on November 17th through Unique Leader Records. The first single, "Awaiting Autochthon" dropped fairly recently and was co-written with Nile's own Karl Sanders. If you haven't checked that out I highly suggest you do so here.

Today we're premiering a ripping and brutal new song from The Path Towards called "Concrete Thrones". Similar to the band's style of death metal on Called To Rise, the music on "Concrete Thrones" is in the vein of Deeds Of Flesh and Suffocation heavy inspired forms of tech- death. Where gnarly chunky riffs and frenetic spidery riffs intertwine and collide frequently with warped leads and maniacal blasting.

"Concrete Thrones" also sees Oblivion guitarist Ben Orum (All Shall Perish) reunite musically with his All Shall Perish bandmate (also Suicide Silence) Eddie Hermida. Eddie has a lengthy and ravenous vocal guest spot on today's song that adds even more potent rage and fire to an already furious death metal massacre.

Beyond the top-notch death metal found on "Concrete Thrones" below, I can tell you for a fact that The Path Towards is an exciting album from start to finish It's going to be a memorable late year surprise for many tech-death fans, so make sure to nab a copy. Pre-orders should be going up soon so keep an eye on the Unique Leader store inside IndieMerchStore where pre-orders will launch any day now. Be sure to follow the band over on the Oblivion Facebook page.

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Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus on Oblivion, here's the usual weekly reminder...