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Song Premiere

Tech-Death Tuesday: PROLIFERATION Resurface, Freshly "Adorned With Mud"

Hey there tech-fiends, it's that time of the week again. Once again, I've got an early exclusive premiere today for you to check out. This time from newcomers Proliferation, who we've previously covered in this space before. Before we dive into today's premiere, here's the usual weekly reminder that all prior editions of this series can be perused here.

Active since 2013, Georgia natives Proliferation impressed a lot of people last year with their killer five-song EP, Rebirth: The Journey Through Soil. For such a young band age-wise, the group's music in 2016 showed a considerable mastery of the genre, paired with a prog heavy focus at the same time. They're already hard at work writing their upcoming full-length, and we've got an exclusive stream today of the early debut single from it called "Adorned With Mud".

If you're new to the band, I'll briefly quote from my impression of Proliferation's sound when I covered them here last year: "Proliferation brings a mature and inspired take on the sonic intersection and possibilities between progressive death metal and technical death metal. In the process, further adding to this mercurial mix with hefty doses of eerily phrased dissonant guitar work found in modern black metal".

All of which still holds true sound wise on "Adorned With Mud", through it frequently showcases the band flirting with new ideas such as clean vocals, while furthering their emphasis on the progressive side of their music. There's even a technical thrash type vibe to some of the riffing, which sort of reminds me of Vektor, and fits quite well. Before "Adorned With Mud" comes to an end, you're also treated to a gorgeous guitar solo, followed by several beautiful bass lines, and a litany of thunderous grooves. The future is bright for Proliferation, and it would behoove you to follow the group over on Bandcamp and on their Facebook page as well.

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