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TRASH TALK Bassist Knocks Out A Drone With A Beer Can At A Show



Trash Talk recently played an indoor skate park in Detroit, where the band were filmed with a drone. First of all, who the hell was aware people were using drones to film shows? I had no idea! That's sick! Second of all, aren't those things really expensive to just be flying around a show? That second point is pretty pertinent considering bassist for the group Spencer Pollard decided he didn't want the drone in the air anymore and knocked it out with a beer can.


While that was a pretty solid throw, I have to wonder why Pollard would do that? It just seems immature to be destroying people's stuff like that. It doesn't look like the drone was flying near enough to the band to be a pain in the ass or anything, and even if it were just motion to the operator to get the damn thing out of there!

What say you, readers? Punk as fuck or just a fuckin' punk?

[via The PRP]

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