Fuck Yes!
What a killer collaboration.
Hi, what are you looking for?
"We actually deleted everything, and redid the whole album again."
Dee recently had a serious bout with sepsis.
"It was atmospheric and mellow and ethereal… I don't even know how to I don't even know how to describe it."
What a killer collaboration.
You don't have to wait six years between records.
Would this be ironic or a coincidence?
You can't go and post a scandalous Instagram post and think if you change the caption it will just go away. ThePRP were the...
They're in a practice space jamming on it.
"We're talking about it right now. Maybe three or four nights at a certain place."
"I have nothing positive to say about that experience except that we did write some cool stuff."
Plus Testament, Triptykon, The Black Dahlia Murder, Pig Destroyer, Yob, Power Trip, Khemmis, and more.
Blessthefall have yet to announce a replacement.
Our thoughts are with Pinkish Black keyboardist and vocalist Daron Beck who reportedly suffered a major heart attack on August 4th. Even scarier was...
Manson complained of heat poisoning.
Deven was only 39 years old.
Food poisoning is to blame.
Featuring members of Cynic and more current and former Fates Warning dudes.
Halloween III was the last time Carpenter and Halloween were together.
Kurt Ballou and Machine want to teach you about mixing.
The couple had two kids together.
They will be playing on the glass floor, 500 feet in the air.
"Davis refused to sing until a Scarface-sized pile of cocaine was placed in front of him at the mic."
Call 1-800-273-8255 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.