Hi, what are you looking for?
"We actually deleted everything, and redid the whole album again."
Dee recently had a serious bout with sepsis.
"It was atmospheric and mellow and ethereal… I don't even know how to I don't even know how to describe it."
Tony Iommi and Corey Taylor too.
As far as Black knows, the band is still a thing.
Both of these guys should probably stay off social media for a bit.
Guitarist Michael Keene was not on stage for the band's performance last night.
One of Tommy's assosiates probably should take away his social media.
Well this is an amazing turn of events.
The Faceless have been pushing back on claims of sloppiness, and fans provide the receipts.
"I definitely don't think that rock is dead in any way. But I think that there has been a lack of new talent or...
Good guys Metallica strike again.
"I don't even know what the fuck I was thinking there."
Talk about airing out your dirty laundry
Jason Bowld – not a Nameless Ghoul.
At least, we think that's what he's saying.
If you didn't dig the new Dimmu tunes, you'll probably dig this.
"There's a couple of songs that are just dumb."
Axl Rose is not the type of man to use a port-o-potty.
The Doom Doc documented the UK Doom scene - now it's going to be available digitally and on DVD!
Michael Ieradi don't need no band.
The tour includes Maggot Heart, Nightrage, and Bio-Cancer.