Hi, what are you looking for?
“I can dial in any era of the band or my writing at will, because they’re all based on methodologies and certain emotional templates.”
RIP Peyton the shredder
Greg Christian won't be sending his former Testament bandmates a holiday card any time soon.
Here he is, drunk like a hurricane.
Stealing from charity rules!
This artwork will get you high!
Does this make you more or less likely to listen to Inquisition?
Ozzy Osbourne, a man of many words with so few understood.
Dave Brockie, still making us all laugh.
Bad news with a little silver lining, I promise.
Gray's widow claims Slipknot members told her Paul's addiction was her problem.
Plus the art we have to display in here looks exactly like something Brockie would have done.
I expect nothing less than my speakers to explode upon hitting play.
Now you can sound as good as Dunable! Maybe not play as well, but sound that good at least.
The album that almost wasn't.
There were some last minute announcements for the Revolver Golden Gods happening tomorrow at Club Nokia in LA.