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Celebrity Metalheads

Dave Matthews Thinks Metalheads Are Uglier Than His Fans & They Drink A Lot

Well, he's got us on that second part.

Well, he's got us on that second part.

Celebrity metalheads come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life, as we've documented over the years. But never did I assume I would be including anthropomorphic patchouli plan Dave Matthews in said category.

Matthews is of course known for creating a brand of music that every frat bro who just discovered weed, seashell necklaces and flip flops listens to. Turns out Dave enjoys "good music." The topic was recently broached by Vulture and Dave revealed he likes heavy metal too:

“A lot of people — you included — seem to have serious extra-musical feelings about the Dave Matthews Band. How much of a hindrance is that?

“Yeah, it used to be “If you like Nirvana you can’t like the Dave Matthews Band”; “If you like Pearl Jam you can’t like the Dave Matthews Band.” But if I can like all those bands as much as I do, then why can’t someone else? I guess we all have our tribe and you’re not supposed to be in more than one. I remember the Miles Davis quote when he’s asked, “What kind of music do you like?”

“And he answers, “Good music is good music.”

“Good music, yeah. I love some country music because there’s great country music. I love some heavy metal because there’s great heavy metal. Someone is going to have brilliance inside of whatever box they’re in. That brilliance is what I look for. There’s great every kind of music just like there’s great every kind of liquor.”

As MetalSucks points out, it's likely the metal he likes is more on the "entry-level" side like Metallica, AC/DC and Guns N Roses, but who are we to judge? An aggressive riff is an aggressive riff. But this is perhaps where Dave loses me:

“Given what you’ve said about drinking, is it at all weird to spend your summers getting up in front of crowds where you know a bunch of people are absolutely loaded?

“There’s probably not as much drinking at our shows as there are at heavy-metal shows — and our crowds are probably better looking! But yeah, you see the most hammered people in the world from the stage. There’s a lot of revelry around me. I’ve reined a lot of mine in over the years.”

Well, he's not exactly wrong BUT HOW DARE HE??

Here are some more Celebrity Metalheads:

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