Hi, what are you looking for?
As gruesome as ever.
Their first new record since 2008 is coming in 2023.
The in-studio clip is the fourth video from Townsend's Lightwork LP
From their album The Bleeding Veil.
It's very good to have this band back.
Feels very Paradise Lost-ey.
Emma Zander nailed it!
The clean vocals in the chorus are a cool addition.
New album Smile is coming this summer.
One might say it's fvneral doom.
Inspired by like "Moonshield" and "Gyroscope."
Jeremy Spencer gone death metal.
Are we sensing a little country in there?
The music video just plain hurts.
Prepare for the purge now—before it's too late!
For fans of Clutch and Alice In Chains.
Taken from their singer's escape from the Moonie Cult.