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A Female Perspective: How To Be A Hot Metal Chick

by: Noa Avior


Every now and then I like to peruse the interwebs and look for all the ways that I can truly be a metal chick. Luckily, I stumbled upon the above video that adequately teaches me how to look like one. I just marveled through out the video and was so ecstatic to find such an erudite demonstrator.

I don't know why it never occurred to me that a "chick" who is a metalhead should look like a tacky whore. This whole time, why did I avoid the beauty section at Family Dollar? So many "metal concert thing" that went by and I didn't have my skull adorned with polyester multi-colored hair clip-on extensions. Alas, my face wasn't painted with Crayola markers. Oh, classic Megadeth T-shirt? I'm putting you through the paper shredder. Also, I have to now glue a cool zipper on the side of all my pants and "hardware" to my boots. I'm thinking an array of nuts, bolts, a monkey wrench, my modem, a capuchin, some bananas… ok now I'm getting carried away.

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