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The Obituarist

Trevor from BLACK DAHLIA MURDER Recommends 31 Underground Metal Releases To Get Into

Peste Noire – La Chaise-Dyable


YES!  I adore Peste Noire (which means the black plague in French if you’re new).  Multi-instrumentalist main-man Famine continues to march to the beat of his own Nationalistic drum and La Chaise-Dyable brazenly showcases all the different sides his unhinged personality; marrying raw noisey black metal with a meth-fried southern twang that just has to be heard to be believed.  The use of more traditional gallic instruments help weave Peste Noire’s maddened tapestry; It’s rust-covered, drugged out and rebellious — equally insane and genius.  Take the plunge and see why Peste Noire remain one of my favorites in the crowded scene of Black Metal.
Purchase here



I cannot help but think of Carcass as I hear these guys… but what a refreshing take on things, both classic sounding and at the same time really new and artsy.  Pissgrave are quite raw and garagey with a vibe of serious danger, reminiscent of Reek Of Putrefaction’s unpredictable barf-breathed assault. The bluntly gruesome artwork and fonts, the pitch shifted vocals, the blown out on purpose production; the entire package is simply terrifying.  Order now from Profound Lore and try not to get any on you.
Purchase here

Sarpanitum – Blessed By My Brothers


One of the UK’s finest is now finally properly signed to the ever awesome Willowtip and starting to get the world’s attention; this makes me happy.  Newly armed with the drumming talents of multi-instrumentalizing Mithras mainman Leon Macey, Blessed Be My Brothers is absolute death metal mastery that sounds both familiar and strikingly new at the same time.  Sarpy are majorly influenced by greats Nile and Morbid Angel and share an equally classy sense of how to create drama… these dudes really know how make you feel it with what they do.  Majestic, militaristic and deeply expressive… their potent sound is a perfect marriage of ideas for the thinking extremist.  Soaring harmonized leads thrust themselves to the front of the melee, guiding a thousand sharpened spears into bloody victory.  When they’re slow, Blessed By My Brothers channels Germany’s Golem and the aforementioned Mithras to great effect … it seems these Englishman have also gained access to the sandman’s bag of mystical hypnotizing sleepy dust and know just how to use it.  These Englishmen deserve and downright command to be heard!
Purchase here

Screwrot – Deranged Genesis


Punishing brutal death metal can come from anywhere, even Israel.  A two man project featuring a well programmed drum machine (drum kit from hell?) similar to Perverted Dexterity from Indonesia, these guys don’t write the most intelligent music in the world, but it is downright brutal.  I can’t help but a notice a little Putridity in the mix, too.  Good stuff out now on Morbid Generation.
Purchase here

SickeningThe Beyond


I’ve been onto these sickos for a while, but their hitting ever-so-hard this year with Fulci inspired horror fest The Beyond is seeing them on a lot more headbanger’s blood thirsty radars, and rightfully so.  Boasting a beefed up 16th Cellar Studio production peppered with campy samples from the Italian horror masterpiece wrapped in a gruesome artwork by Russian wizard Daemorph sees this album as one of brutal death’s best this year.
Purchase here

Torturous Inception – Headfirst into Oblivion


These young New Yorkers play a very modern, slightly deathcore-informed brand of brutality that will kick you face square in the face and leave you wondering why these guys aren’t on Unique Leader already.  Monstrous vocals, savage beatdown sections and twisting tech combine in the six song span of Headfirst into Oblivion and succeed with explosive results.  If you like Alterbeast, Inanimate Existence, or liked the last handful of Job For A Cowboy records like I did, this could appeal to you.  Striking artwork by colorful cult master Mark Cooper crowns this hidden jewel of Staten Island Death.  Be warned!
More info here

Truculency – Memetic Pandemic


Rapid-change technical brutal death metal that could appeal to the Malignancy crowd.  I am somewhat familiar with their past album but this sees remarkable growth in Truculency’s camp, Memetic Pandemic is bigger, better and meaner and with more substance than before.  The harrowing string section overlaying the end moments of opener “Auto-De-Fe’” prove as an effective curve ball for the unexpecting listener… they will suck you in.
Purchase here

That’s all for now kids.  Dig in your couches and pinch some quarters from your step father’s change jar… there’s a lot of great releases this year waiting for your purchase!  Until next month, stay brutal!

Trevor's day time gig The Black Dahlia Murder also released a new album this year, Abysmal, out now on Metal Blade Records. 

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