After a short hiatus, the GUESSING GAME is back! The way the game goes is we will photoshop a musician and award prizes to a select few users who answer properly. The correct answer to last time's Guessing Game is Johan Hegg of Amon Amarth as seen below:
Congratulations to MI Junkies: Masterchef, germetalmania, Discreeto, and deathdealer666 on winning last week!
This week, we have made things way more difficult. First off, we've hidden everybody else's comments, so NO CHEATING, and we've really amped up the Photoshopping on this one! So, check out this image, if you think you know who it is, leave a comment and next week, we will randomly choose 4 people who answered correctly to win a free copy of the Summer Slaughter DVD. Guess away: