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Did Chris Brown Get That $5,000 Metal Leather Jacket From Rihanna?

Yesterday, the metal world collectively groaned when hip hop star Chris Brown was photographed wearing a leather jacket featuring drawn patches of crossover artists such as Municipal Waste, Suicidal Tendencies, DRI, Corrosion of Conformity and others.

Well, over the last 24 hours some new info has arose on the origin of the jacket. 

The jacket was designed by Noel Austin, who's "D.N.A." fashion line has a very retro website here. The prices for his custom designers are in the thousands! Chris Brown paid at least $5,000 for that jacket, which is more than any of the bands on his jacket spend on any piece of clothing or anything ever.

But, Chris Brown may have not even bought that jacket himself, he may have borrowed it from his on again/off again/hit again girlfriend Rihanna. Municial Waste frontman Tony Foresta posted this tweet yesterday:

Did Chris Brown Get That ,000 Metal Leather Jacket From Rihanna?

The image embedded in the tweet is the back cover of Rihanna's new album, in which she also sports a leather jacket with a Municipal Waste patch. Here's the thing. If you compare her photo, with Brown's photo…the patch is in the exact same spot. There is also zebra print on the zipper lining, much like Brown's jacket. Seeing as though DNA only makes one-of-a-kind stuff, it leads me to believe THESE TWO ARE SHARING CLOTHING!?!

Ugh, I'm going to end this post before it gets any more TMZ, but get a room you two. And stop co-opting the music we love for your fashion needs. kthx.

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