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Lars Ulrich Either Trolling or An Idiot; Says Lulu Is Better Than Justice

We know Lars Ulrich is a troll in the vertical sense of the word, but also in the figurative U MAD?? sense too? In a recent circlejerk interview in RollingStone, all the players in this Lulu trainwreck were interviewed and Lars gave a choice quote to the magazine:

On the phone, a few days after Lulu is mastered, Ulrich describes listening to the album on a late-night car ride. "I was overwhelmed," he confesses. "I also felt, 'This is really unique.'" How unique? He laughs. "This makes… And Justice for All sound like the first Ramones album."

Are you serious, bro? Look, all I've heard is "The View" and that track makes St. Anger look like Mozart. I want to say I won't even bother listening to all of Lulu, but I feel it is part of my job to suffer through it in order to bring you junkies all the comedic madness that results from it. Can't wait to hear it Lars!

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