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GWAR Announce The Release Of New Book, LET THERE BE GWAR

I wonder if it contains a pop-up of Oderus' cuttlefish

I wonder if it contains a pop-up of Oderus' cuttlefish

With amazing stage shows, TV and film cameos, an impressive discography, and restaurant under their belt, the world’s favorite interplanetary warriors are now claiming their stake in the literary world. GWAR will release a comprehensive behind-the-scenes history of the band in a book they’re calling Let There Be GWAR.

The hardcover will feature over 350 pages of photos, posters, production sketches, interviews and 30 years of unseen chronicles of the band and production. As someone who has seen the band work behind-the-scenes and visited the slave pit, I can’t begin to tell you how amazing this is. It is truly an experience unto itself to watch these guys work and all the effort that goes into each and every show, and now you can see this too.

Let There Be GWAR will be released September 30th, but you can pre-order your copy now

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Shout out to photographer Mihaela Petrescu.