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Injection Reflection

We're Taking Off For 'Murica. Here Are The Top 10 Most Visited Pages Of This Shortened Week

That's going to do it for us this week here at Metal Injection. We're taking the next two days off due to the Independence Day holiday here in the states, but we'll be back on Sunday with a new podcast and then on Monday morning with regularly scheduling postings. So, unless something huge happens in the next few days, you won't be hearing from us until then. Here are the top 10 most visited pages of this shortened week:

  1. 6-Year-Old Girl Screams "Zombie Skin" On America's Got Talent
  2. Surgically Implanted Headphones: Now A Thing!
  3. Stream The New CARCASS Song Before It Gets Taken Down!
  4. LAMB OF GOD Frontman Randy Blythe To Release Memoir About His Time In Czech Prison
  5. DEICIDE Gone Radio Disney
  6. Chewbacca recreated on guitar
  7. AMON AMARTH Brought A Viking Ship With Them To Mayhem Fest (w/Video)
  8. MOTORHEAD Cancel Remainder Of Their Summer European Festivals In The Wake Of Lemmy's Health Scare
  9. Spotlight: GRILL 'EM ALL Food Truck
  10. 99 Metal Bands Will Contribute To A Cover Of "99 Bottles of Beer"

See you back here on Sunday for the Livecast.

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