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It's Just Business

Artists Earned $7.1 Million On Bandcamp Last Friday

Bandcamp waived their fees for the second time and people went nuts.


Bandcamp waived their fees for the second time last Friday, May 1, to financially help bands and record labels. The first time Bandcamp tried this on March 20, people spent $4.3 million on music and merchandise. This time around people spent nearly twice as much.

Bandcamp reports there was $7.1 million in sales last Friday during the promotion, where they waved all service fees. Bandcamp pointed out that the initial $4.3 million was roughly 15 times what they normally see in traffic on any given Friday. That makes the $7.1 million all that much more impressive!

Bandcamp will waive fees once again on the first Fridays of the next two months, June 5 and July 3. The site also provided a handy guide for both musicians and fans for the next two Bandcamp Days on their blog.

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