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It's Just Business

Metal Fan Issued 112 DMCA Notices In 48 Hours & Is Being Sued For Sharing DOG FASHION DISCO Music

Breaking: Illegal downloading no longer an issue thanks to this one lawsuit.

Breaking: Illegal downloading no longer an issue thanks to this one lawsuit.

This is bordering on ridiculous. Rotten Records is looking to sue a John Doe in Philly over downloading a torrent of Dog Fashion Disco's discography. After the user downloaded the torrent, he began seeding and Rotten Records, via their copyright infringement enforcement company Rightscorp, sent the user 112 DMCA notices to stop sharing the files.

Rotten Records is claiming the user ignored all demands, except they sent these notices all within 48 hour period, meaning this person could've set this torrent to download and then went on a vacation and not noticed a damn thing. According to the suit:

“Defendant distributed all of the pieces of the Infringing Files allowing others to assemble them into a playable audio file,” Rotten Records’ attorney Flynn Wirkus Young explain.

“Rightscorp sent Defendant 112 notices via Defendant’s ISP Comcast from June 15, 2015 to June 17, 2015 demanding that Defendant stop illegally distributing Plaintiff’s work,” the lawsuit reads.

“Defendant ignored each and every notice and continued to illegally distribute Plaintiff’s work.”

TorrentFreak reports that the user may have well enacted on the DMCA claim:

In fact, Court documents state that after infringement began sometime on June 15, the latest infringement took place on June 16 at 11:49am, meaning that the defendant may well have acted on Rightscorp’s notices within 24 hours – and that’s presuming that Comcast passed them on right away, or even at all.

The label has now reached out to the service provider, Comcast and is looking to file suit or potentially reach a settlement for thousands of dollars. While I understand downloading is not a victimless crime and the label has lost a lot of money from it, this all seems really unnecessary to me. What is this really going to prove? Who will stop downloading because of this other than this one random target?

As of this writing, Dog Fashion Disco have yet to issue a statement, but ThePRP reports the band recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to launch a new record. Here is their new single:



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