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Best of 2013

Frank Huang's Favorite Shows To Shoot of 2013

We asked our videographer Frank Huang to let us know what were his favorite shows to shoot live. You can watch all of Frank's footage on his channel, Pit Full of Shit.

The Body at Saint Vitus Bar, Halloween 2013


I usually don’t care about holidays here. (Especially since I’m not even an American, why bother?) But when the-world’s-loudest-duo, The Body, came to town on Halloween, I was super stoked!! Their set  perfectly fit into the season. Being only a two-piece, drums and guitar, they can produce the sound that are way louder than a five-piece band. I’ve shot The Body for at least 5 times for the past 2 years, but I’m always fascinated by Chip’s scream, I really don’t know how he can do this every night on the tours. Go check out their new album, Christs, Redeemers, it will destroy your holiday joys, in an awesome way.

EYEHATEGOD live at Saint Vitus Bar, Nov. 14th, 2013 & The Acheron, Nov. 16th, 2013



This was the first show EYEHATEGOD played in NYC after the death of their drummer Joey LaCaze, surely it got bunch of attention once they announced the show. EHG is one of those bands that never disappoints and they would manage to survive no matter what happens. With their new drummer, Aaron Hill, I do feel the band is tighter and more energetic even though they were already perfect with Joey. Make sure you check out the set they played at The Acheron too, they are even more insane in small venue. Thanks Unartig for the additional footage in Saint Vitus Bar show.

CARCASS live at Saint Vitus Bar, Sep. 25th, 2013


To be honest, it took me a while to really get into Carcass’ comeback record, Surgical Steel, and I got kind of bored when they played at MDF this year. So by the time they announced the tour, I was actually more excited about Immolation than Carcass. They proved me wrong. Check the video if you want to know how they did it, there’s not much I need to explain.

FUCK THE FACTS live at CMJ 2013


Last time I saw Fuck The Facts was down in the little basement at Cake Shop for their 10th year anniversary show in 2011. It was one of the tightest show I’ve ever seen. Plus the EP they put out earlier this year, Amer, is one of my favorite releases in 2013, I was  looking forward to their CMJ showcase. I would recommend you to check the whole set to see how good they were at delivering chaos and violence in their songs, but the highlight for me was when they played L'enclume et le marteau from Amer and 95 from their last full length, Die Miserable.

 SAMOTHRACE live at Saint Vitus Bar, Mar. 1st, 2013


If you haven’t heard Samothrace’s 2012 masterpiece Reverence To Stone, DO IT RIGHT NOW. After you are done, check out this video and see them play the entire record live.

DEAFHEAVEN live at 285 Kent Ave, Jul. 4th, 2013


Whether you like this band or not, Deafheave’s new record Sunbather is a solid record, and has surely gotten tremendous attentions from everywhere. And they know how to put on a good show, ever since the first time I saw them opening for Alcest couple of years ago, their live performance is just getting better and better. Normally I’m not a fan of 285 Kent Ave due to the space and sound reasons which kill the mood most of the time, but somehow Deafheaven manage to overcome that and put on a great show. (Or it could be that everyone in that room was drunk. Either way, it was a good night.)

TRAP THEM live at Saint Vitus Bar, Jun. 22nd. 2013


RIP Psychic Limb.

 LIMP WRIST live at Le Poisson Lounge, Jun. 16th, 2013


Before they announced the short east coast tour, I’ve never heard of Limp Wrist. After reading what they’ve done and some video clips on YouTube, I was quite excited to see what would happen during their show. Unlike their show at Union Pool couple of days before, this show was a straight hardcore show, and it was very interesting to see people with different sexualities showed up in the same room and shout out to the songs together.

Also make sure to check out Nomad and S.H.I.T.  and fuck Hoax.

Maryland Deathfest 2013


Watch all my videos from MDF here. You know the drill already, there’s not much to talk about it.  Highlights: Infest, Sleep, Weekend Nachos, Weedeater, The Melvins, Anhodonist, Cobalt.

Southwest Terrorfest 2013

Southwest Terrorfest is a new festival curated by David Rodgers from Arizona local act Godhunter. This is the second year of the festival. The line up was mixed with big touring bands such as Kylesa and Red Fang and many of the local bands.  The reason I went all the way to Tucson was for Ancestors from California, a band who rarely plays at east coast or play at all. In spite of the big names and bands I already knew, the festival did a great job picking the local bands and some other bands on the west coast, I wasn’t expected to be blown away by bands like Subrosa, Demon Lung, Transient, Funerary, Children of God, Theories,  Swampwolf, etc.

You can check out the footage on Cvlt Nation or my blog Pit Full of Shit.

Here’s a list of bands I didn’t mention but I would recommend you to check out if they are playing in your town. They can be old bands or new bands, I picked from the shows I’ve seen this year.

Wreckmeister Harmonies
Call of The Void
Full of Hell
Primitive Man
Mutoid Man
Iron Reagan
Inter Arma

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