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20 Spine-Tingling Metal Songs For Your Halloween Party Playlist

10 extra spoopy cuts to creep up your Halloween.

10 extra spoopy cuts to creep up your Halloween.



"Awakening…" comes from Swedish death metal band Necrophobic's debut 1993 full-length, The Nocturnal Silence. And let's face it, the intro sounds like something ripped straight from a horror film. TO THE LIST IT GOES!  -MM

Ozzy Osbourne – "Bark At The Moon"


The Ozzman Commeth! And not a moment too soon. It was a no-brainer that Ozzy Osbourne, one of the founding members of Black Sabbath and defacto patriarchs of heavy metal, would take his rightful place on this list.

"Bark At The Moon" is a quintessential Halloween tune and a staple for gym-rats the world over. A catchy ear worm filled with slick guitar-work, quotable hooks and the tried-and-tested Ozzy charm, this is pure, unfiltered goodness.

Put this on repeat, grab your nearest copy of An American Werewolf in London and you've got yourself a party.  –DC

Ghost – "Square Hammer"


Has there been a band in modern metal that has caught fire on a global scale quite the way Ghost has this past decade? They've emerged from the dark corners of the doom realm to become international sensations, landing prominent touring slots alongside Iron Maiden, not to mention a coveted (debatable) Grammy win.

While their entire shtick is a perfect fit for any conversation surrounding the dark and demonic, there is something about their most recent hit, "Square Hammer", that lends itself to the season. The video itself is part homage to the Hammer Horror films of the 1950s and there's no denying the track itself is aggressively addictive. Have at it nameless ghouls!  –DC



Mortuary Drape are a somewhat lesser-known Italian black/death metal band who've been around since 1986 and are still going strong. Pick just about any song of theirs, and you'll find lyrics centered primarily around black magic and the occult. I mean, this one's called "Necromancer." Halloween called and wants its schtick back.  -MM

Iron Maiden – "Fear of the Dark"


Do you feel a little anxious when it's dark? Most do and the f***ing kings in Iron Maiden capitalized on our primal fear of the unknown with their 90s opus Fear of the Dark.

The title track from their best offering of the decade is seminal Maiden, part ferociously thrash-worthy, with equal measures of eerie atmosphere.

Side note: I maintain that Maiden's Rock in Rio performance of the track is one of the greatest moments in metal history.

Honourable mentions go to "Number of the Beast" and "The Wicker Man", but whatever kick-stars your inner wrath-child is good for business.  –DC

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