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Metal In The Mainstream

Lemmy Honored By Montreal Canadiens Goalie With New Mask Art

Hockey continues to be metal as fuck.

Hockey continues to be metal as fuck.

Hockey is seriously the most metal sport there is. Every year it seems as though we're posting about goalies sporting masks showing off their favorite bands. Bands getting some goalie love include In Flames, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath, not to mention bands like Amon Amarth and Enslaved are showing up to games together on their days off! Hockey may just be the most metal mainstream sport, what with the players beat the piss out of each other constantly.

Today, we want to talk about Montreal Canadiens goalie Ben Scrivens, and the mask with which he's chosen memorializes the late Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead. Scrivens was traded to the Canadiens the same day that Lemmy died, and since he needed a new mask, he thought it would be the perfect time to pay tribute to one of his idols. Scrivens sounds genuinely excited about the mask, as well as a huge fan of metal, in his interview with

"He's a huge influence on not just me, but a lot of the bands that I listen to and a lot of the type of music that I listen to," Scrivens said. "For me, he's probably the epitome of heavy metal and rock music in terms of not just his music, but his attitude, his persona, his look. He's an ugly guy, he's got a gruff, ugly singing voice. He says what he thinks all the time, he's swearing all the time, and it wasn't an act. I think that's the thing that came across from him, nothing was for show. You knew that when he went home and talked to his kid he was probably the exact same way.

No word on if the inside of the helmet smells like whiskey, but I hope it does.

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