Super 7 is planning on releasing some Iron Maiden M.U.S.C.L.E toys this December, which is either really exciting or really confusing depending on how old you are. To give a brief overview, M.U.S.C.L.E. toys were originally introduced in Japan in 1979 as a part of the Kinnikuman manga series. The toys made their way over to America in 1985 sans the manga bit and were generally pink outlandish-looking wrestlers. Oh, and the acronym stands for Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere.
The Eddie toys aren't available for pre-order yet, but Super 7 does have a Misfits toy up and some purple M.U.S.C.L.E. figurines as well!
Some more recent merch items from Iron Maiden:
- IRON MAIDEN Announces Hallowed Belgian-Styled Beer
- IRON MAIDEN Eddie Masks Arrive Just In Time For Halloween
- This IRON MAIDEN Tent Will Protect You From The Elements!
- Get Yourself Some IRON MAIDEN Headphones (If You Have The Money)
- IRON MAIDEN Powerslave Ring Will Only Set You Back £240
- I Want All The IRON MAIDEN Eddie Miniatures!
- Now You Can Own IRON MAIDEN's Ed Force One (Replica) Airplane!
- IRON MAIDEN's Eddie To Be Added To Angry Birds Evolution Mobile Game
- IRON MAIDEN Announces First Volume Of Its Comic Series