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Metal Merch

SUNN O))) Is Selling A Bunch Of Their Pedals

Including two of the original Life Pedals.

Sunn O 2021
Photo by Ronald K. Dick

If you've ever wanted to drone like Sunn O))) does, here's your chance! The band has opened their own Reverb shop to sell a handful of pedals they've used over the years, including two of the first version of the band's collaboration with EarthQuaker Devices, the Life Pedal. "I'm not only the Life Pedal president, but I'm also a client," said Sunn O))) guitarist Greg Anderson. "[It's] permanently affixed to my pedal board."

Check out the shop here. As for what the band is up to these days, Anderson said in a previous interview that Sunn O))) has begun discussing what they're going to do next and started kicking around ideas for a new record.

"As far as Sunn O))) goes, I don't know. We're kind of in a position right now where we're like, starting to discuss what we're gonna do next and we're really in the early stages of ideas. Actually, I've done a lot of – you know, since COVID or whatever – have done a lot of home recording. Which is something honestly that I'd really never did in the past. It was always to me, my musical output and what I did musically was in a room with people, and I never really did a lot of practicing or you know, home recording or 4-track recording or any of that stuff at all, ever.

"But I got a digital 8-track recorder for Christmas in 2019, and I was like 'you know what? I'm gonna finally teach myself how to use a recording device and record some of my ideas,' you know? And I started doing that and I really enjoyed it. Now I'm totally into it, making noise and sounds and recording them and demos, basically. So I just started doing that, coming up with ideas for Sunn O)))."

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