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IATT Bring You A Free Blackened Death Metal Gig With Wasteland Sessions

group quarantine photo

In the current pandemic riddled world, online live gigs are all the rage. Now that bands understand how to do them, it seems like there's a new one every other day. $10 here, $20 there, it all adds up. Just like when live gigs were happening, you have to pick and choose who you want to watch because there's simply no way or time to enjoy them all. That's why it's nice for those who can't afford all these ticketed gigs to find one that's free, even if it's from a smaller band. IATT for instance, are happy to debut their quarantine gig which they call "Wasteland Session" today. This is a free live video for anyone to watch, but available first through Metal Injection.

For those unfamiliar, IATT are a melodic black/death metal band from the US. Their new album Nomenclature released last September and the band hasn't had many chances to show off these new songs. In this new 20 minute live video, IATT take you through three new songs off that album. "Osteogenesis Imperfecta", "Molyneux's Problem", and "Arsenic Ways". Coupled with a small budget lighting rig and taking place in the band's jam hall, it's just like seeing them at a small bar.

While we all wish we could afford to see every show in person, this is definitely the next best thing. As the band blasts through each of these songs it's clear that they love what they're doing. This is a recording for the fans. For everyone around the world who doesn't have the chance to see them. The use of lights and everything in this video is beyond impressive for a smaller band, but it shows the time and dedication that IATT put into this live show.

IATT Bring You A Free Blackened Death Metal Gig With Wasteland Sessions

If you check it out and enjoy what you hear, I highly suggest you check out Nomenclature as well. The album is available on Bandcamp, and I'm sure the band would appreciate every little bit. Check out the live video below and let the band know what you think of their "Wasteland Session".


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