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JUDAS PRIEST's New Song "Firepower" Sounds Like Classic, Heavy Priest

Plus, Rob Halford is still way good at vocals.

Plus, Rob Halford is still way good at vocals.

Judas Priest's new album Firepower is out on March 9, and now that we're two singles deep into the album I can safely say I am way excited for this. The title track that just came out this morning features a pounding chorus with tons of double bass, more Rob Halford vocals than you're going to know what to do with, and so, so much kickass guitar work. Basically, if you're a fan of classic Judas Priest, you're going to have this one on repeat all day. Seriously, good on Rob Halford for being able to bring it that energetically and operatically this late in the game. There's clearly a reason why the guy is a legend.

Get your pre-order below, and don't forget to catch Judas Priest on tour this March.


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