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AT THE GATES Frontman: Never Say Never For A New Album

We were very excited about the At The Gates reunion a few years ago. Heck, the entire metal world was excited about. When shooting our On The Record documentary about the last decade in reunions, they were the band most frequently mentioned. The band has a few shows lined up this year, and with the news that came out earlier today that The Haunted is basically done (which featured the Bjoler brothers who are also in ATG), that begs the question: could there even be a possibility of a new album on the horizon? While it's something that frontman Tomas Lindering scoffed at in the past, now, he seems to have softened his stance a bit.

Speaking with Kill Your Stereo last week,here is what went down:

I know it’s a question you’ve been asked to death and you’re probably sick of answering, but I know you said you At The Gates are not going to write another record together, but you might be open to writing together under a different name. Is that something you’ve given much thought to lately?

Well basically I’ve learnt never to say never. We said we’d never do any more shows whatsoever and now we’re doing shows [again]. 2008 was the last tour we were going to do and now we are doing more [shows]. I learned not to say never you know.

So he didn't exactly say yes, but the book isn't completely closed on new music. Should the band write new music, will it ever come close to capturing the magic of their albums from twenty years ago. They've gotten older, their musical stylings have matured, perhaps they are less "hungry" now than before. Could a new At The Gates record be a bad thing? Surely, if the album didn't live up to their self-imposed standards, they wouldn't even bother releasing it, but is this something you would want to see?

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