Avenged Sevenfold is launching their own Reverb shop on June 4 with over 20 pieces of their very own used gear. All proceeds from the shop will go to the Notes For Notes non-profit organization, who according to their mission statement, are "dedicated to providing youth with completely FREE access to music instruments, instruction and recording studio environments so that music may become a profoundly positive experience in their lives." The organization designs, equips, and staffs after-school recording studios inside Boys & Girls Clubs across the country.
Some piece of gear and memorabilia that will be available are:
- A Schecter Synyster Gates guitar played by Synyster while A7X toured with Metallica. "It was one of the biggest, most fun tours we were ever on," he says.
- Zildjian Custom A cymbals played on stage by Brooks Wackerman.
- A sunburst Schecter Johnny Christ Signature Bass played on stage and often used as a warmup bass by Johnny.
- An Audio Technica ATM510 mic autographed by the band.
- 10 separate signed posters from a recent concert in Dusseldorf, Germany.
The shop will be live here on June 4. Avenged Sevenfold is spending this year writing a new record that they're planning on releasing in 2020.