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BLACK VEIL BRIDES Guitarist Contracts COVID-19, Urges Everyone To Wear a Mask

"I just wanted to say to everyone to continue to stay safe and PLEASE wear a mask!"


Black Veil Brides guitarist Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson has unfortunately contracted COVID-19. Ferguson said in a Twitter post he's hoping the worst of the disease has passed, and urges everyone to wear a mask.

"Last Saturday, I woke up feeling extremely rundown, feverish and had a nasty cough. I didn't hesitate to take my family down to get tested right away. We got our results back late Sunday night. @moggycatz and @mommajinxx came back negative, mine positive. Immediately we began quarantining in separate rooms. So far, Alice and Lennon are showing no symptoms, waiting on a second test results for my mom. Monday night the fever lifted, but I had lost my sense of taste and smell. The cough had moved into my lungs and last night noticed tightness in my chest, did some breathing exercises and it eased up. Today I'm just really tired and dizzy. Hoping the worst of it has passed."

"I just wanted to say to everyone to continue to stay safe and PLEASE wear a mask! No matter how annoying it is. And take this seriously. This is no hoax, and cases are spiking everywhere, and no one is immune. And just because you got a negative result doesn't make you immune or mean you may not have just contracted it, so be cautious and maybe think twice about travel and gathering plans over the holiday."

The United States currently has 11.6 million COVID-19 cases and over 250,000 deaths. Of course, I also hope Ferguson makes a full recovery and his family stays safe.

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