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Breakups & Shakeups

LEPROUS Loses Guitarist Of 13 Years, Announces Replacement

They've got yet another dude from Ihsahn's live band to replace Øystein Landsverk.

They've got yet another dude from Ihsahn's live band to replace Øystein Landsverk.

After having been with the group since 2004 and playing on every single release but the 2004 demo Silent Waters, guitarist and vocalist Øystein Landsverk has parted ways with Leprous. The band says Landsverk decided to leave the group in 2016, because "when you have a career in something else than music and in a addition to that family obligations, it just doesn't always work in the long run."

Landsverk will be replaced by current Ihsahn live guitarist Robin Ognedal, which is funny considering everyone in Leprous currently, as well as three ex-members, have all been members of Ihsahn's live band at some point.

Here's what Landsverk had to say about his departure.

"I have been playing in Leprous for about 13 years, so this is a very weird statement to write. I have no idea what to say. I hadn't played guitar for more than a couple of years before I joined, and my bandmates weren't exactly wizards at the time either. Over the years we've learned to play together, to compose, do live productions, make music videos, and so much more. I've been fortunate enough to travel and see a huge amount of places, meet a bunch of people and enjoy interesting, weird and funny experiences, alongside my best friends. We have gotten nothing for free, and worked hard to arrive where we are today. But all this comes at a price, and I am no longer motivated enough to go 100% for only Leprous. It's a heartbreaking decision for me, and I have no idea if this will be the right choice. But c'est la vie, I guess. You try to make the best of what you have in front of you at any given time.

Leprous will undoubtedly keep going strong, and I will have the best of replacements! I truly wish my friends and the band all the best for the future, and I can't wait to see what's in store for them. A huuuuge thank you to all the fans and their support all this time!! I am sure we will meet at a Leprous show in the future.



Leprous has also announced the official addition of bassist Simen Daniel Børven, even though he played on the live album and the band's 2015 album The Congregation. So no shocker there.

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