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Breakups & Shakeups

SLICE THE CAKE Breaks Up, Drops Off UK Tech-Fest 2023


Slice The Cake

I've always had a soft spot for symphonic metal band Slice the Cake, as you might know if you checked out my list of the best albums from the last decade. Slice the Cake had a pretty spotty release schedule, having broken up and gotten back together a few times. But still, they produced The Man With No Face in 2012 and Odyssey To The West in 2016.

Unfortunately Slice the Cake is no more, as they've announced they've parted ways with vocalist Gareth Mason and will carry on as instrumentalists Jonas Johansson and Jack Magero under a different name.

I'll leave you all with this thought – The Man With No Face was easily one of the best releases to come out of that late 2000s/early 2010s djenty technical death metal scene that produced bands like The Faceless, Circle Of Contempt, Vildhjarta, etc.

"Unfortunately it is with a heavy heart that we have to announce the end of the entity known as Slice the Cake. Gaia came to us recently after a lot of thought and introspection, and decided that their life was moving away from music. We respect and love them to pieces, so it would not feel right to carry on as 'Slice the Cake.' That specific project was a work of passion from all of us, and as much as this isn't the preferred way forward, we couldn't simply replace Gaia and move on like nothing happened.

"Jonas and Magero will continue working together in 2023, with both musicians from Slice the Cake's past AND new contributors, and when a new 'form' is settled on and we feel comfortable, we'll go from there. All three of us want to extend all of the love and gratitude to everyone who has supported us throughout the last 14 years. Slice the Cake was a wild ride for all of us, and in a certain way, it feels appropriate that the work we're most proud of will stand as our final album. None of that would have been possible without the constant love, support, and patience you have all shown us, and we'll never be able to thank you enough. Hopefully you'll stick around for whatever comes next.

"As a side effect, this obviously also means we won't be playing UK Tech-Fest in 2023, and we want to give a special shout out to Simon Garrod and everyone on the Tech-Fest team for trying so hard to get us all on the same stage and giving us so much support over the years. They truly are all utter heroes and we have felt so incredibly welcomed and loved by everyone in the scene. For now, that's all folks, and thanks again.

"To be truly free, to be truly right, to be truly pure; we must be reborn."

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