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Bummer Alert

Voice Issues Cause PROTEST THE HERO To Cancel Tour Plans And Pause Recording New Album

"I completely frigged myself on the North American portion of the tour," he says.

"I completely frigged myself on the North American portion of the tour," he says.

Well this sucks. Protest The Hero has announced they're cancelling their upcoming UK, Europe, and Japan tours due to vocalist Rody Walker having some serious vocal issues. Furthermore, Protest The Hero will also be putting their fifth full-length album's recording sessions on pause as Rody cannot safely record his vocals right now.

Protest The Hero says Walker began to develop issues with his voice on their Fortress X North American Tour, which only became worse when he got into the vocal booth to begin recording the new album. They add there are currently no plans to make these dates up, and the next time those countries will see the band is when they eventually tour on the new album.

Here's what Walker had to say.

Dear European and Japanese friends,

You know when you’re hearing from Choady it’s bad news, and this time will be no different. Unfortunately, the rest of the Fortress tour is cancelled. I completely frigged myself on the North American portion of the tour. I assumed it would be like any other tour, a few days off and I’m good to go, however, I was mistaken. I don’t know whether it’s my age or so many years of improperly using my voice, but it’s not snapping back the way it once did. At this point, I’m worried that heading back on tour would result in irreparable damage. So, I’m going back to the basics, I’m going to figure out what I’m doing wrong and learn how to sing properly, all while attempting to record the new album.

This sucks, and I’m very sorry. I hate disappointing people, but I have to put my health first.


We wish Walker all the best in diagnosing the issue and making a full recovery.

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