The Osbournes television show ran from 2002 to 2005 and chronicled the daily life of Ozzy Osbourne and his family. The show has been off the air for 13 years now, but starting for the next 10 weeks you'll be able to relive that completely insane show.
The Osbourne family have begunĀ holding a Podcast every Monday to talk about the show, talk about how their lives have changed since the show, and hold interviews with people such asĀ Sheryl Underwood, Carnie Wilson and The Osbournes executive producer Greg Johnston.
You can check out the first episode below, and keep an eye out every week for more. The episode description reads:
In Episode 1, the Osbournes reflect on how a one-off idea that wasn't supposed to be would, ultimately, change their lives forever. Ozzy finally gets to meet Elizabeth Taylor, and along the way bumps into Kermit The Frog and the Queen Of England. Sharon explains her theories on the show's success, and how inviting cameras into her home encouraged those watching to become a part of the family. Jack and Kelly discuss how overnight stardom may have played a role in warping their innocent and impressionable teenage minds.