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CONVERGE Bassist Blogs About The Difficulties Of Being Vegetarian On The Road In The 90s

Converge bassist Nate Newton is a super-awesome dude. In the two previous interviews we've had on Metal Injection, he's been pretty awesome. Not only is he a great bassist and musician, dude can write a pretty funny blog as well. Check out his recent submission to Vice magazine on how hard it was to be a touring musician that's vegetarian on the road, and for once, somebody makes a good argument about the greatness of Taco Bell. Here's an excerpt:

Throughout those many years on the road I also experienced the opposite end of the spectrum, and bad meals occurred far more often than the life-changing ones. You always hear music industry types talk about how the internet changed everything, how it took the power away from the major labels and put it in the hands of the fans and the artists. But what they don’t talk about is how it changed being on the road, and more specifically how it changed eating on tour. With Yelp, Urbanspoon, and food blogs, all you need to do is touch the screen of your iPhone and up pops a list of all the best places to eat, wherever you are. Most kids who are now just entering into the world of touring are unaware of just how grim things used to be.

Read the full thing here, highly recommended.

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