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CONVERGE Crashed Their Van Last Night (But They're Okay)

I made a comment yesterday on my Twitter that it seems safer to take a van, following the news that the tour bus shared by Shadows Fall and God Forbid caught fire the day before yesterday. I apparently spoke too soon, because Converge was in a van crash last night. The band hit a patch of black ice in the mountains of Oregon, and, instead of sliding into 18-wheelers, they decided to crash into a highway divider. Here's what vocalist Jake Bannon had to say on his Instagram:

After driving all day/evening, we hit a patch of black ice in the mountains of Oregon. We were forced to turn into a highway divider at 40mph in order to avoid sliding under a slew of 18 wheelers. The van spun 180 degrees after impact, and we were left facing the wrong direction on the highway. We spent a few hours prying our bumper off our front wheels. Thankfully, we are rolling again. Bands, be safe put there. Never take anything for granted.

Bands: be careful. This is the fourth accident/incident to occur to bands I love. Luck can only go so far. Be safe out there.

[via MetalSucks]

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