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CROSSES (DEFTONES, Etc.) Is In The Studio Laying Down Some New Jams

†here's a new Crosses album coming ou† nex† year!

†here's a new Crosses album coming ou† nex† year!

Crosses, the band featuring Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno,  ex-Far guitarist Shaun Lopez and Chuck Doom, has been around since 2012 and finally released a damn good full-length in 2014. Though the LP was 66.6% material from the band's first two EPs, so it wasn't exactly a surprise that the record was fantastic.

Fast forward to this weekend when the band posted the above picture on Facebook alongside the caption "Studio 11†20†15," meaning we're getting a new Crosses record next year alongside a new Deftones record (pending that doesn't come out in December). Plus we haven't heard any of the music from it yet!

Oh, and despite him only being a live member, I'm hoping Dredg's Dino Campanella will drum on this record as well. Dude's one of my personal favorite drummers of all time and plays a killer keyboard… what's not to love?

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