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DRAGONFORCE's Herman Li Thinks The Guitar Phoebe Bridgers Smashed Was Too Cheap

Phoebe Bridgers should smash every guitar.

guitar smash

Phoebe Bridgers performed two songs on the February 6 edition of Saturday Night Live. During the second song, Bridgers smashed her guitar and for some reason tons of people got up in arms. As if there aren't mass-produced posters of dudes like Jimi Hendrix, Joe Strummer, and Pete Townsend smashing guitars, and this is the most offensive thing to have ever happened in music.

One person that approves of Bridgers smashing her guitar is Dragonforce guitarist Herman Li, who has an offer – smash a more expensive one. Li said he'd give Bridgers one of his $3,000 guitars to smash on TV, if only to piss even more people off.

“If I’m gonna criticize this, the main problem I have is that the guitar is too cheap. It’s only $500 for that guitar. Next time she’s gonna smash up a guitar make it a $3,000 guitar. I’ll give her one of my $3,000 guitars. You can take one of my signature guitars, smash that up. How about that PRS [points to guitar behind him]? Take that PRS, smash that up, that’s like a $5,000 guitar. Come on, you’re on ‘Saturday Night Live,’ you can’t be smashing a $500 guitar, too cheap! you gotta take it to another level, smash it up, burn it, make it expensive! Annoy people even more!

“So, Phoebe if you’re listening to me, if you can watch this video, which obviously no chance you will ever see this video, you’re not watching my Twitch for sure. If you wanna smash up another guitar, let me know, let’s get you a real guitar to smash up. My last guitar sold for $16,000 [for charity], so maybe one of those.”

Li added Bridgers should smash "more stuff" including mics and an amp, adding "It sounds better when you smash an amp up, it’s more fun." To which I say, "hell yeah."

If you missed the performance, check it out below.

[via MetalSucks]

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