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FOR TODAY Guitarist Quits Amidst Recent Controversy To Become Missionary

It's been an eventful week for For Today. After taking to Twitter and mentioning that "homosexuality is a sin," For Today guitarist Mike Reynolds received a tsunami of backlash from other metal musicians and peers alike.

Today, we learn that Reynolds has left the band to become a missionary in the middle east with his wife.

The band released a statement over the weekend announcing Reynolds' departure:

Mike Reynolds is no longer a part of For Today. He has decided that now is the time for he and his wife to put their plans in motion to enroll in Bible college, and to begin working toward full-time missions work in the Middle East. Mike will be replaced by longtime friend of the band, and former In the Midst of Lions guitar player, Sam Penner, who will be appearing with the band as they headline their upcoming Fight The Silence tour.

For his part, Reynolds also released a very long-winded statement about how he loves everybody, even the LGBT community. See folks, just because Mike thinks you're a sinner doesn't mean he can't love you.

What's incredibly interesting about this whole fiasco is that frontman Mattie Montgomery released this apology video:


While quickly brushing over the fact that he is addressing the homosexuality controversy, never once during the video does he mention that he or anybody in the band is cool with homosexuality, but rather that the band "loves" everybody and he invites anybody who wants to speak to him to not lash out on Twitter and Facebook but call him directly at (251) 281 – 8479.

Naturally, the number is a Google Voice line, so all calls are screened. Has anybody got through to talk to Mattie? We want to hear from you!

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