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LAMB OF GOD's Randy Blythe On Guitar Solos: "Sounds Like Jerking Off To Me"

Just his opinion guys!

Just his opinion guys!

A few weeks back, we had the honor of hanging out with Randy Blythe on our Livecast and during the convo, Blythe discussed how he hates when a certain thing he says gets taken out of context and spread all over the internet. ThePRP transcribed the commentary well.

At the time, we told Randy that he shouldn't make it so easy for us writers. I mentioned how most people only read the headline nowadays, so you have to create a curiosity gap in hopes for people to click the story.

Anyway, there is nothing out of context in the headline above. In a recent interview with,  Blythe was asked his feelings on guitar solos and simply responded:

"No offense to my dudes, or any other guitar players out there, but when I hear solos, I really don't pay attention to them," he said. "I honestly don't. There are only a few solos that I'm like, 'That is freaking awesome!' Most of the time, it sounds like jerking off to me. I'm a riff kind of dude. I come from the punk rock school. I don't care about noodling."

Of course, this is just one man's opinion and should be taken as such. This is not fact, it is Blythe's opinion and I respect it. Much like when Marty Friedman said that he would rather chew glass than listen to Hendrix. It doesn't mean you can't enjoy Hendrix, or in this case, guitar solos. It just means they can't.

Personally, I love me a mean ripper of a guitar solo and my favorite soloists have to be David Gilmour and of course Jimmy FN Page. How about yours?

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